Thursday, March 11, 2021

Vowelless Mini № 2

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Quick vowelless mini inspired by 7A after watching the movie on Hulu.  Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Totally stumped. At first I didn't notice the "vpwelless" label (underneath the puzzle, so it was off-screen). I got nothing but the plural S in the SE corner. Finally noticed the type of puzzle, and got TeSLaCoiL, but that was it. gave up and punched reveal all. I can make out DiCe CuPS, oN THe LaM, VuLeZVuS(tho I wouldn't know how to spell it), NoSe HaiRS, but not a single one of the acrosses. If 1A is DoN'T eVeN, then your understanding of the clue or solution is way different than mine. If you're going to do these more, your reveal needs to show the expanded words, not just the grid!
